Does the phrase "fun run" resonate with you?

If the runner's high has been absent from your training recently, we'd like to help you get back in the groove

Over the last year plus, running, like many things, has looked a lot different. And fun may not be one of the words you've used to describe it.

But as our country begins to open up, there are several great ways to bring back the joy of running.

First and foremost, get a running buddy. Even adding just one run a week with someone else can give you something to look forward to, and some accountability.

The next logical step is to connect with a local run group. The Mercy Home Heroes partner with a couple of great options for that: CARA and Dick Pond Athletics. They offer a variety of opportunities and locations throughout Chicago and the suburbs. And runners of all abilities are included, so don't think of these groups like your high school track team.

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If you're running solo, get in your car and explore somewhere different. Stop running that same 3-mile loop around your neighborhood and put some adventure in your life. Get off-road if you can as well, and leave those headphones behind so you can listen to the sounds of nature.

But my number one way to get out of your funk is to enjoy some fartlek (yep, that word still makes me giggle...). Fartlek is Swedish for speed play, which just sounds fun. And it should be. The great part is, it shouldn't be formal like a workout. You simply mix in bursts of faster running with recovery jogs.

Some examples: Use telephone poles as a guide. Run two hard, then jog two for recovery. Pick out an object like an American flag and run hard to it, then jog until you see another. The most important thing is to see it as play and not work.

Mixing up your pace in general is a good strategy that I talk more about here

One final piece of advice: Flip the switch from "I have to run" to "I get to run." Be grateful that you're healthy enough to get out and exercise and that will get you in a positive mindset. Now get out there and have some fun.