1. Info Center
  2. Managing Your Fundraising Page and other FAQs

How to Edit your Personalized Page

To help you navigate your fundraising page, we have created simple how to videos. Learn how to edit your personalized page.

Click on the lower right-hand side to watch the video in full screen.


  1. To find your personalized page, click on Personalized Page (highlighted in black in the video).
  2. To edit your profile picture, click on the camera icon on the left hand side of the page.
  3. The image library screen will appear. Click on Add Image.
  4. When you're done adding your profile picture, it should appear as your profile picture.
  5. For the description of your personalized page, we have provided you with a pre-filled fundraising statement, but feel free to personalize it to fit your unique style.
  6. Click on the pencil icon by the top right hand side by the description paragraph.
  7. After clicking on the pencil icon, you'll be able to edit the description. You can include reasons why you are running or why Mercy Home is important to you.
  8. Once you are done editing it, you can click on update at the bottom right hand side.