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Fundraising Focus: Building Your Prospect List

We are now less than eight months from race day. Even if you haven’t started fundraising yet, you should start laying out your plan. If you are just joining us, please go back and read last month’s fundraising blog that outlines the first steps in our 8 Steps to Charity Running Success.  The next steps we’re going to cover this month are about creating your prospect list.

This list can essentially be everyone you know.  Create this list in a spreadsheet so you can track how and when you ask, and the responses. In this step you’re just making a list. You’re not asking anyone. That comes later. This should include a name and some contact information.

Contact information can consist of a cell phone number, email address, or even just Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram if one or more of those are the only way you know to get in touch with someone. If creating a list of everyone you know is overwhelming, start by naming groups of people like classmates, co-workers, running friends, etc. Think of all the various groups to which you belong.

Next, create four additional columns in your spreadsheet.  

  1. “Rating” – give each prospect a rating 1 to 5 is fine with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest based on what you know about them and how you’d answer the following questions for each prospect.  Do they have an obvious connection to Mercy Home? Maybe they are someone who would care for the same reasons you chose Mercy Home for your marathon fundraiser? Would they be inclined to give? Are they someone who typically gives to charity, or will they be motivated to give simply because they want to support you? And finally, do they have the capacity to give.  
  2. “Target Gift” – given the answers to the above questions, what is an appropriate amount to ask for? Obviously, we’ll gladly accept a $5 donation, but go ahead and put in a target amount that is the most you think someone could give – and be generous.  
  3. “Type” – based on the rating you gave each prospect, assign them to one of these following groups: 
    1. “Personal Ask” – People most likely to give $100 or more, who you are very comfortable speaking with about what you’re doing; should be the first people you will ask and should be reached out to in person or by phone (usually this group is your close family and friends).  
    2. “Email” – People less likely to make larger gifts, and who would be likely to respond to an email; they will be your 2nd group of asks and reached out to via email. 
    3. “Social Media” – This is everyone else. These are the people most likely to give through a social media post, who you may not feel as comfortable speaking with one-on-one about your fundraising effort.  This is the group that you ask last – ideally, just before your formal marathon training begins.   
  4. “Timing” – for the three groups above give yourself as much time as possible, the exact timing of the asks will be determined by when you start. Social Media posts should begin just before formal marathon training starts, emails about a month before, and personal asks a month before that. Ideally, start your fundraising 12-15 weeks prior to the start of formal marathon training for a less stressful effort.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or are challenged at any time.  And if you need assistance, please, please, book some time with me for fundraising coaching as soon as possible. It’s much easier to work through challenges earlier than it will be come September.