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Joanna Lago's Story

Ever since she could remember, Joanna Lago had a passion for teaching and developing children’s minds. Her dreams have led her to become an influential teacher and now a principal at an elementary school just outside of Chicago.

When she landed her first teaching job with Chicago Public Schools, she knew it was her calling.

“I knew [teaching was where] my heart was,” she said. “And I figured I would be in the classroom forever.”

Lago had fostered a strong bond with her students, and during her second year of teaching, she noticed that one of her students was struggling and needed additional support.


She knew about Mercy Home for Boys & Girls from a friend who worked there. “I made my first actual referral for a family to go check out Mercy Home,” she said. “It was nice to be able to speak to them about what Mercy Home offers.”

It would be an introduction to our mission that would help fuel her marathon miles years later.

In 2008, as Lago’s teaching career was in full swing, her dear friend Meredith Williams died suddenly.

“[She] was a champion for kids, she said. “[When she passed away, my friends and I] were looking for an organization we felt she would stand behind.”

To honor Williams and support our children in crisis, she joined the Mercy Home Heroes and helped form Team Merithon with her husband and their friends. In 2009, the team raised more than $30,000 for Mercy Home. To pay homage to their friend, they honored Williams with a plaque at her home and a service.

“Mercy Home was the first charity we ever donated to,” Lago said. “Our group was a small but mighty force. “There was a lot of banding together and honoring friendship.”

But Lago also gives credit to Mercy Home President & CEO Fr. Scott Donahue for being an anchor of support to Team Merithon.

“When we lost our girlfriend, Fr. Scott went out of his way to comfort us,” she said. “We feel very connected to Mercy Home through him.”

Since 2008, Team Merithon has been one of Mercy Home’s top fundraising teams. In 2023, they raised over $23,000 for the Home, which helped fund educational programs and more.

“I’m grateful for the chance to continue to honor our friend, Meri,” she said. “We reach out to the same crew every year and it works out.”

Lago also counts on her husband, Felipe Lago, another Mercy Home Hero who is her pillar of support. (Read his story here). They have completed four Bank of America Chicago Marathons together as Mercy Home Heroes.

“Running is something fun that we can share, push each other, and reflect on,” Lago said.

All the hard work and training is worth it for them. And it's a special feeling when she runs past the energetic fans at the Mercy Mile at mile 17 of the course.


“You feel the energy, spirit, and passion at the Mercy Mile,” she said. “Especially when the kids start running with the flags, there’s no better feeling.”

Being a part of the Mercy Home Heroes and Team Merithon has allowed her to connect to a tight-knit community.

“We have found a wonderful running community within the Mercy Home Heroes, and I feel connected with the Heroes who support Mercy Home,” Lago said.

Mercy Home makes an intentional effort to provide unwavering support to all our Heroes who go the 26.2 miles for our kids. We are so grateful for Joanna and Felipe’s genuine support to Mercy Home.

“When you learn about the mission of Mercy Home, it’s wonderful to know the impact you’re having," she said. “We will forever support Mercy Home!”